The Story of Orqui and Starr is one of loss, sacrifice, and starting over as told through the eyes of a child. Born in Cuba just before the 1959 revolution, Orqui’s childhood was radically disrupted and she and her sister, Starr, were thrust into totally different lives, including being separated from both of their parents and eventually leaving their country forever.
Orqui was born in Cuba, which at the time was an amazing place. It was an island paradise with a rich history, great baseball teams, and the world’s nicest beaches. Her family lived in a happy home close to relatives and familiar surroundings. Then, when Orqui was two, everything changed with the arrival of Fidel Castro, who took all power.
Orqui’s father was forced to flee Cuba in order to take part in an attempt at liberation and her idyllic life soon became one of sacrifice and separation from her parents. Life was upended not only for Orqui’s family but for many others in Cuba. Eventually reunited with her family, The Story of Orqui and Starr recounts the hardships and fears that were a part of Orqui’s childhood and how she and Starr came to the United States and made it their home.

This book is dedicated to the author’s parents, Manuel and Estrella Perez, who risked everything so their children would not grow up in tyranny. This dedication extends to all the brave Cuban men and women who abandoned careers, homes, families and country to come to a new land, one with different customs and a different language. Most came penniless and had to start new lives. They raised children who grew up with one foot entrenched in their parents’ world and the other foot solidly on American soil. They prospered and have been an exemplary immigration group adding to the wonderful melting pot that is the United States.